As I am writing this I am enjoying my few minutes of pure and utter silence. The dogs and baby are outside with Billy getting all their sillys out from the day. It's my time. And all I can truly do is sit here and think of the 1 million things that need to get done before the lights are turned off and the blankets pulled up to my chin. Isn't it strange how, when it was just Billy and I, it was easy to forget about the things that needed to get done and enjoy our time together. And secretly, how we both longed for a little more noise in the house.
It's so funny how your priorities can change and your not aware of it. All of a sudden I've started turning into my mom more and more. I no longer can leave the dishes for tomorrow and can't stand a dirty toilet. It's happened so gradually that I didn't really notice until the other day when I said something to Billy that I'm pretty sure I've heard my mom say to my dad, "can't you put your dishes in the dishwasher". Then it hit me, oh Lord, I'm her. Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing. I think my mom is pretty spectacular most of the time.
So here I am. I was ordered by my husband to "take a minute to yourself before I weed whip" but instead of taking a moment I've looked up banana bread recipes so Addie and I can whip up a batch tonight for breakfast tomorrow, balanced the check book, and am now writing to all of you. I've got my to-do list going in my head: vacuum living room and Addie's room, hang curtains in our room, Addie's laundry, give Addie bath, do dishes. All this needs to be done before I go to bed tonight or it'll just weigh on my mind until morning. Priorities.
I used to think that growing up sucked. That being an adult seemed so boring. Between housework, paying bills and going to work where was the fun. Now that I am an adult I find that I don't find it boring at all. I find it rewarding to go to work (or at least wake up to work), pay my bills and do housework. We also find time to have fun. In fact, my day of work is filled with fun moments with Addison and I feel so blessed to have her. Although adulthood can be scary and often very overwhelming it's also a journey that I am enjoying. Soon our family will be complete and we can start planning on creating memories for them. I love having new priorities.
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