It's October 12th and there are several clues that our time outdoors is coming to an end. The MN Twins are done with their season, the leaves are quickly falling onto the ground and when I look out my living room window there isn't a bean or corn field left standing. Winter is swiftly approaching and it reminds me to take advantage of every moment left of the summer.
Addie and I are playing outside, eh hm, Addie is playing and I am writing my blog post outside. She is so easily entertained by herself now that often when I ask if I can play with her she either pushes me away or tells me no. That's okay, I enjoy sitting here watching her amazing imagination go. She loves to put the dogs food bowls in her play kitchen, push her grocery cart around full of leaves, acorns and buckets but her favorite thing is to ride her bike or push her lawn mower. She's a fantastic landscaper!! As I watch her play I look at Evie and realize that it wasn't that long ago Addie was tiny, helpless and still. She slept, cried and ate just like Evie does now.
As I watch this summer come to an end I am anxious to for the next. The girls will be playing together by then, I hope, and our summer can be filled with parks, games, pools and fun. This summer life wasn't very fair for Addie. I was either too tired, too big or too hot to play outside for very long. But next year I won't be pregnant. I'll be able to go for nature walks, to the park, the pool and play with the girls outside. I am so excited to watch them grow and learn together. Addison sure does love showing her little sister things. It's amazing how swimmingly Addie took to Evie. It amazes me really that she never really acted out to the changes.
When the last leaf drops and the first snowflake flies I'll be a bit sad that our outdoor time will be so short. Although I know that a new season of adventures lies ahead I can't help but savor the one we are in. I enjoy looking at the world through the eyes of a 1.5 year old. It reminds me how the simple things in life are really the most amazing. It isn't all the stuff I buy or the things I have but what I make of them. Addie can turn a dog bowl into hours of fun; I only wish I could do that!
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