How'd We Get Here:
I'm still not sure. I woke up one day with my husband telling me he lost his job. Panic, saddness, it all set in. Then eight, yep just eight, days later he had a Iowa. We packed our house in one week and moved to Mason City.
Do We Like It:
I can't say yes or no quite yet. It's definately different then Birdtown. Of course the obvious, different house, different neighborhood, different friends (or no friends!) and different State. People here seem nice, friendly. It also seems like the kind of town where you are born and die in. I'm not sure a lot of people move here, excepcially from the Twin Cities. Whenever I tell people were we moved from I get one of two reactions: "Why'd you move here? or "Wow, you're going to be really bored!".Oh, and one guy called it, "Mason Shitty", that's my favorite! far, they're all right!
What's Billy Doing Here:
Good question! I'm not sure I really know. Right now he's working Harvest. He's running the dryer in the bins and coming home filthy. Once harvest is over, if that EVER happens this year, he'll be training in for his "real" job, comodities. He's going to be working with the farmers to help them make their crops as profitable as possible which, of course, makes the Co-Op money.
What's Megan Doing Here:
I'm not working. I stay at home with Addison and really enjoy it. She's growing so fast. I'm also working out at the YMCA and getting involved in the community. It's been much harder for me to get used to it here but I REALLY like my house and that helps.
What's Addison up to Now:
Where to start! The day we moved in she climbed the stairs. She's crawling all over the house and thinks she is hot stuff when she beats the dogs to a toy! She is pulling up and balancing on her own. It's not going to be long before we have a walker! She is currently teething. She has had her two bottom teeth for a while now but this past week she cut SIX teeth on top. She is taking it pretty well, although, Tylenol and frozen bananas are definately always in reach!
Final Thoughts:
This move hasn't been easy, not even close. I'm not sure if it's because it happened so fast that I didn't have time to prepare mentally or if I'm just not a creature for change. I miss the Twin Cities. I really miss our friends and all the things we did together. But, with time, we will meet people here and hopefully love it just as much as we loved Birdtown. I mean, there will never be another Nest or book club but there will be nice people who I can add to my Christmas list, right! Please come visit, we have the room!
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