Monday, January 24, 2011

A Kid Lives Here

I used to think it was really funny. I used to shrug it off. I used to have a clean house. But, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. A kid lives here.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Being Addie's Mom

My life as a mother is sweet. It's full of joy and sorrow in places I never expected.

We're starting the terrible two's now. And I mean "we". It's amazing how much one small, relatively she IS 33 pounds, beautiful blue eyed girl can shake up an entire household. Addie is the sunshine in my day. Watching her learn and grow is what makes me proud to be her mommy. But, as of late, I think I'd rather be her auntie, or grandma, or neighbor. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter, good times and bad but the temper that this girl was given is completely out of control!

She has learned how to go into the refrigerator and get her "juice" (milk). Originally I liked this idea since now I didn't have to get up every 3 minutes to get it for her. It was wonderful. Recently Addie has realized that there is more then just juice in the fridge. She has opened and successfully smashed an entire cup of applesauce into my carpet while I was showering, drug a 9 pack of Dora the Explorer yogurt up the stairs to ask, "peese?'. Pop has been shook, beer has been spilt and ketchup has been squeezed.

She also, finally, learned the word Mommy. I wish she hadn't. This is our conversation about every, I dunno, 3 minutes.
Addie: "Mommy, mommy, mommy"?
Me: "What, Addie"?
Addie: "What's that?"
Me: "What's what?"
Addie:"Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?"
Me: "What?"
Addie: "Peese"
Me: "No."
Me: "Still no"
Addie: "AHHHHHH" as she flips onto the floor for dramatic purposes of course.

Really, she can go back to only knowing Dada and I'll be a proud Mommy. Really.

Luckily for Addie she still has her charming personality, bright smile and ability to make me to go from pure insanity to pure love in seconds. She loves to help with baby Evie. She enjoys laying next to her during tummy time and taking her toys, helping change her diaper and LOVES to throw them away. When Evie cries she often tells her, "SHHHH, babe no" or smashes her paci into Ev's mouth. She loves to sing, dance and shake her head. She spins until she can't stand on her own two feet and then asks for 'mor?'.

The way she reminds me what true innocence is really like is absolutely beautiful. That little girl knows REAL forgiveness, REAL compassion and REAL true love. No matter how many times she has to take a break or gets told no she loves me. She respects me. She makes me so proud.

Being a mom, I tell ya, it gets better everyday.

*Side note, Evie is pretty awesome as well, I'll post about her progress soon!**