Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What a day!

I'm beginning to understand that as soon as things seem great something happens. Life here seemed to be settling into a routine. Addison has been signed up for tumbling and swimming lessons and we found out that story time starts next week at the library. She finally broke her last two teeth and seemed to be adjusting to Evie just fine. Evie, despite her broken collar bone and high bilirubin, has been a pretty easy baby. She sleeps most of the time only crying to let us know that she has a dirty diaper, she's hungry or she can't take her sister honking her nose anymore. And somehow I've figured out how to change two diapers, get two kids dressed and feed everyone before someone throws a fit. It seemed like things were going great.

Then we woke up this morning. It amazes me how someone so little can cause such a stir. Addie went to bed the sweet little girl that I gave birth to last night and woke up this morning the spawn of Satan. From the minute that girl opened her eyes to about, eh, four minutes ago she's been yelling, biting, pinching and hitting. Who is this child? She did everything she knows she's not supposed to do today. She didn't want me to hold Evie or look at her for that matter. She didn't like the breakfast or lunch she was given so after throwing it on the floor she went hungry. Honestly, these are the days I think about going back to work. Ah, work, where there are people who say more then 10 words and who don't end every conversation with PEEEEES? even after the answers been no fifteen times.

So here I am, 9:06PM, feeding Evie, looking at all the dishes in the kitchen and wondering whose going to do them. (I will, don't worry!) I've always prided myself in being laid back. I want my kids to look back on these years and think that I did everything I could to spend my time with them. I would give up everything for them but today I'm pretty sure I just would have given up one of them!

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